Good morning, and welcome to Based Cooking. A place for real-life talk and food. After watching the world fall apart over the past few years, and the charade and circus of the pandemic, the crushing effect on people’s mental health, businesses closing, unemployment soaring, and now this ridiculous inflation, I decided I’d simply had enough.
With some thought and the framework kind of already in place, previously I’d launched talks on YouTube about conspiracies theories, politics and the state of current affairs, it seemed only right that I should launch my conspiratorial cookbook.
Knowing full well that inflation would hit the UK after watching Canada submit to Justin Trudeau, and the surging prices of food over there, I knew it was only a matter of time before the UK cooked, and low and behold I was correct. At first, it made me a little concerned, I wasn’t sure how I could sustain living on a minimal budget for food, as I already live on a tight budget to begin with.
But then again, this is a clown world, so that’s when I had a brainwave. I’d have to learn how to eat well with cheap ingredients. Was I going to give up meat you ask? No, I was not. I am a chad.
So I began instead, to learn how to eat cheaply, and I thought I would share my knowledge with the world and thus began Based Cooking.
After a rude awakening early this morning, following a so-called professional not turning up to an appointment, and failing to notify me (yes, gone are the days of a reliable Britain) I began to pursue the daily scrolling of clown news on my smart phone, where I stumbled across an article about a supermarket and their smart range.
Yes, it’s basic white labelling and simple fonts no more. A new bright and sunshine yellow packaging to contain the same low cost shit. Food designed for the peasants, no doubt, and similar to dog food. I’ve often thought supermarkets rate us as humans. At the bottom are the dogs and at the top end, you have the superior range for the people who are the most engrossed in clown world. Expensive food, that's still processed food, for the bracket of people who are also taxed the most.
With an economic crisis on the horizon, you’d think these multimillion gurgling conglomerate machines would want to help the masses that have made them so very, very rich. But no, they have simply realised that this could cause a surge in the mass population buying their Smart range.
I’m guessing this would be bad for the supermarkets, and their profit pockets, and so they have released a ban of only three of the same item allowed per person, obviously to stop stockpiling, supposedly to protect the masses.
On one hand, the supermarket act's like they are trying to help people by selling low cost muck food, but given the current circumstances, nobody can afford to eat good nutritional food because of artificially created soaring inflation. Plus it's incredibly difficult to find food not containing GMOs, plastic or hormones. On the other hand, they are now putting limits on the amount of cheap stuff you can have.
This of course has two effects, one is that it causes mass panic. We saw this happen in the famous toilet roll riots, during the pandemic, The English didn't get angry when they raised the retirement age, but tell them toilet rolls have run out, then damn! By telling people not to stock pile, they are of course using reverse psychology, causing mass hysteria! This results in people inevitably stockpiling due to the sales technique FOMO. But it also protects their pockets, doesn’t it?
Bravo clown world, Bravo. I see you Supermarkets!

Breakfast Flat Breads
These flat breads improved my disappointing morning and put a smile on my face. I ate them with some homemade hummus and Lamb sausages, that I got from Swaledale Butcher's. While their sausages aren't smart price range, the meat is free range and contains no preservatives, other than some spices and salt. These ones had a little spice.
Breakfast Flat Bread Recipe
My easy recipe, for when there’s not much in the cupboards and inflation has starved us all so we don’t have the energy to protest anymore.
- Bacon or Sausage
- Beans
- 2 Cups Plain Flour
- 3 TBS Oil
- Pinch of Salt
Mix the flour and salt together, add the oil until you make a dough. Divide into four and flatten. Heat the oil on medium heat in frying pan. Fry flat bread on either side for 4 to 5 minutes until brown. Serve immediately or cover with a damp tea towel.
Add breakfast filling of your choice. Try homemade hummus.
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