Greetings, this is my first blog post on Based Cooking, and I'm happy to be here creating recipes for you. I thought it would be apt to start somewhere, so here we are. The state of the world has forced many into economic poverty recently and so I have begun my quest to produce quality food, always for minimal prices. Welcome and I hope you will enjoy this blog!
I thought I’d start with the basics, because everyone has to start somewhere, although making bread can be a little complicated at times- a lot like my life, a simple base of yeast however, is not. I always keep a pot of dried yeast in the kitchen cupboard. You'd be amazed at how many times it's got me out of a pickle. So now then, rise like yeast! I suppose my title refers to not only the beginning of this blog, but also to the rise of surviving during a time of hyperinflation, and as a nod to right-wing politics.
I know there are two things you should never talk about at parties, and those are politics and religion, but I intend to discuss both. I am not much of a party go-er anymore anyway. The world has become disjointed and we cannot discuss the politics of this world openly anymore. So, I thought I'd combine my favourite things, in a recipe for disaster, and call it Based Cooking.
Of course, cooking has become my solace in this bleak world, so I will share recipes I have created or picked up along the way. I've travelled a lot of the world, most of which I did on a budget. So I'm no beginner when it comes to exploration or budget cooking. There are many things that I am looking forward to sharing here on this blog.
I wanted to share with you easy, basic and simple recipes that are good for you, along with my thoughts and ramblings on current affairs currently happening in this world. Why? Well, staying busy in the kitchen takes my mind of things.

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